Saturday, 21 May 2011

You win some, and lose some

House Athletics Standards:


1st Welsh

2nd Burr

3rd Skipwith

4th Everett

5th Orchard


1st Everett

2nd Orchard

3rd Welsh

4th Skipwith

5th Burr


1st Burr

2nd Welsh

3rd Everett

4th Skipwith

5th Orchard


1st Welsh

=2nd Burr

=2nd Everett

=3rd Orchard

=3rd Skipwith

And in the Senior Cricket match this afternoon we did well to have the Captain of the 1st XI caught out first ball - but Welsh still won handsomely with a good innings of 130. I'm delighted that Burr are magnanimous in victory, and gracious in defeat. We Lincoln City FC supporters know all about the second part of that.

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