Wednesday, 29 June 2011

That's it

Yesterday we said goodbye to Mr Dolan, who's been the Senior Tutor in Burr - and a very wonderful one. He is retiring to care for his elderly mother. Last night we had the chance to thank him for all he's done for us - and Nadal, our departing Head of House, spoke about him at the final Assembly of term.

Earlier we managed to win the senior cup at the swimming gala - we were looking good for the tug of war, but a thunderstorm meant it had to be cancelled. Magnificent organisation and leadership by Arthur Law

Next year's management team for Burr will be led by Richard Fitz-Hugh as head of house, with Tom Thornton-Smith as his deputy and Aliyu Mustapha as captain of house sport. They will all play a great part in setting high standards and leading by example.

Thanks to all our leavers, but especially to Nadal Sarkytbayev, head of house, and our three college prefects, Ed Bowers, JB Brown and Fran Nutt.

The blog is going into quiet mode for the summer holiday. We're back at school on Monday 5th September for year 9 (1100) and year 12 (1730), and Tuesday 6th for everyone.

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