Saturday 25 February 2012

Good work

George Robinson collected more than £700 from a mufti-day before half term, in a presentation by his tutor Mr Starr.

This is what George  said in an assembly:

I am trying to raise money for my trip to Honduras and Guatemala. I am hoping to go with some of my friends, as well as a youth worker.  Our aim is to help children who are living in poverty and are struggling to have a lifestyle.
Just recently a young boy called Kevin died searching for food, trying to feed his family; sadly, he was crushed by a truck.
I will be going with a charity called Streets Kids Direct. They have set up an orphanage where they get children off the streets, and give them the education they need in order to get a job.
When I am there, I will help build more rooms for the children and help them learn English. I have to raise £1200, but I have only managed to raise a fraction of this amount so far. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good Luck George!!!!!!! mucha suerte!!!