Wednesday, 8 December 2010

The final week

In just under a week this term will be over. Well done the year 9 boy who worked out for himself that it would be a good idea to take some stuff home this weekend, to reduce the fuss next Wednesday.

Although always worth checking on the school online calendar, here are some highlights of the next new days:

Thursday 9th December

1345 Nativity matinee (Parish Church)

1900 English Society: Hamlet at the Henley Cinema

1930 Nativity

Friday 10th December

0830 Full College Service in Sports Hall. P1 begins afterwards

1345 Nativity matinee

1930 Nativity

Saturday 11th December

0830 Early start programme [lessons end at 1200]

1400 Rugby v Magdalen College School:

1st, 2nd, 3rd, 16A, 16B(Home)

15A, 15B, 15C, 14A, 14B, 13A (Away)

1930 Nativity

Monday 13th December

0820 Assembly and Carol Service Rehearsal for Y12 – Y13 (PC)

0930 Geography Ambassador from the Royal Geographic Society (OVR)

1315 Carol Service Music and Readers rehearsals (St Mary’s) [1700]

1515 Cleaning, scouring & packing for the rest

Tuesday 14th December

0820 Assembly and Carol Service rehearsal Y7 – 11 (PC)

1515 Y11 – 13 Carol Service rehearsal (PC)

1545 Y7 – 10 Carol Service rehearsal (PC)

1830 College Christmas Dinner

2100 Burr House Christmas entertainment, in the Tithe Barn

Wednesday 15th December

0800 Carol Service rehearsals

1115 Carol Service (St Mary’s Henley-on-Thames)

Term Ends afterwards - Mince Pies and Mulled Wine in the Great Hall

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