Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Year 9's Arrive

In preparation for the Year 9's arrival to Burr I spent most of the morning putting up a 'Welcome to Burr' sign while Matron and Mr Dix got on with the important jobs around the house.

After parents had said their goodbyes the students got a tour of the laundry and tuck shop from Matron. Then I walked the students through a Fire Drill and they managed to line up in alphabetical order in the Stable Yard. They did however find it a lot more difficult to line up in age order without speaking to each other.

Following on from a delicious lunch of Sausage and Mash I hosted my first of many Tutor Period's with the Year 9's letting them know my high expectations and also what they would be doing over the following two days.

The students then mixed into group with boys from other houses to attend their first lesson at Shiplake which was in one of the following subjects: History, Science, English, Learning Assessment and for the lucky few an ICT Induction with me.

After cake and biscuits from Matron the students headed out for a Rugby session. This consisted of a number of drills followed by a game of Touch Rugby to end the session. I thought all the boys put in a good effort whether they had played Rugby before or not.


After another delicious meal it was off to Maidenhead for Ten Pin Bowling. The boys performed very well with a number of strikes and spares being scored but Mr Dix had the stand out performance scoring over 150 in one game and scoring a Turkey in the process. To offset this though at the end of the night in his haste to return to Shiplake he marched most of the boys and myself out of the Bowling Alley with our bowling shoes still on. Only Jo noticed as he watched us walk out while standing at the desk exchanging his shoes.


It has been a very enjoyable day for me getting to know the boys and I think they all seemed to have got to know each other as well as enjoying themselves. I look forward to the rest of the week when the rest of the house will return and the lessons begin.

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